According to the official Figures, there has been over the weekend in the state of Hesse 89 new infections with the Coronavirus. In the long term, the curve remains so flat, however, the development of the past few days is think also in Hessen. On Saturday, the increase was, in turn, about the Fifties-brand. However, the incidence, that is, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, within seven days, significantly lower than the “alarm value” of 50. remains in all the cities and counties The highest this Parameter is currently in Darmstadt, Germany (14), then city (11) and the district of Offenbach (10).

Meanwhile, it was announced that requested in the state of Hesse, possibly, the state of Corona-emergency aid for farms in several hundred cases, the wrong was. Country wide, around 400 of investigation proceedings because of the suspicion of crime in connection with the emergency assistance applications had not yet been opened, informed the General Prosecutor’s office. In the face of a total of about 135,000 applications were cases of comparatively a small number of suspicion of Fraud. How high the damage is, could not yet quantify.

After the pandemic-related closures of shops or Local entrepreneurs by the end of March to online the emergency aid, the application deadline now expired could apply for. “It will, however, always processed applications,” said a spokesperson for the Hessian Ministry of Economics. “Most of the time it comes to clear up the many contradictions and inconsistencies.” Approximately 1500 applications were still open. Were paid to the Ministry, according to well 950 million euros to more than 106,000 recipients, in particular, to the service, catering and trading companies. The low number of suspected fraud cases, the Ministry back to “safety measures”. This includes, among other things, the identification by ID card and tax number, data comparisons, as well as the cooperation of different authorities belonged to.