The seven local parliaments in the Rheingau-charged discussions before, after the summer break voltage. It comes to the introduction of a recreational and tourism contribution in its first stage is mainly a kind of bed tax. Because only the overnight guests, not the day trippers will have to pay for the time being. So far, the speech is of two Euro per guest and Night. Of this amount, would remain after the previously known concept of a Euro, of the respective municipality and local tourism organization, during a Euro would flow into the regional tourism advertising.

Oliver Bock

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

If the vast majority in all seven municipalities, is completely uncertain. Because the differences between the importance of tourism, the small village of Walluf, with its relatively few hotel guests and Rüdesheim, with almost 400,000 overnight Stays are substantial. In Rüdesheim, the inclination seems to be to transfer half of the potential revenue of 800,000 euros in the Rheingau-Taunus culture and tourism GmbH (RTKT), and therefore low, because the RTKT has so far primarily to the individual guest from the Rhine-Main-Region and a little beyond, while Rüdesheim relies on group travel and outside of the Corona-times – has around half the foreign visitors. In Rüdesheim is pronounced also of the opinion, especially abroad, the significantly more well-known and valuable brand, as the widely unknown to the Rheingau.

a prerequisite to the collection of a contribution is the recognition as a tourist destination by the state of Hesse. Walluf, Kiedrich and Oestrich-angle is still missing, but that should be only a matter of time. Therefore, the Board of Directors of the Association zweckverband Rheingau has now decided to draft a uniform “Statute on the collection of recreational and tourism contribution”. The Statute itself, the Association believes that, as yet, under wraps, and not reveal the Text on demand.

The purpose of the Association is reminiscent of a message that the seven mayor and the then-district of the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis, Bernd Röttger (CDU), already in 2002, had formulated in a “John Berger’s statement,” the strategic goal of the Rheingau together to develop. This is also a common tourism strategy is one. The aim of the tourism concept for the Rheingau was to develop the Region as a “modern, authentic and highly attractive Region” for tourists from home and abroad and for day visitors. These structures should be pooled and the cooperation still had to be close.

for over a decade in the discussion

The Chairman of the zweckverband Rheingau, the Kiedrich mayor Winfried stone maker (SPD), appeals to the municipal bodies, the importance of tourism’s contribution to recognise, and for a “consistent and Rheingau uniform” realization to enter. Stone makers defended the planned half of the revenue sharing for the local and regional Marketing. Benefit from in addition to the tourists and day-trippers are also the citizens of the Region, because of the experience character of the Rheingau region will be strengthened.

The issue of bed tax and tourism contribution in the Rheingau for more than ten years in the discussion. The Rüdesheimer Association for business and tourism had been warned in the past, prior to the introduction of a bed tax, because in this case, many of Hotels their membership in the Association would end in order to avoid double-payments for the promotion of tourism. Introduction despite many debates, neither in Rüdesheim or in other cities such as Eltville, where five years ago about a kind of tourism levy thought had been.