police have arrested a man who was wanted on suspicion of attempted murder, in the Münster festival. An officer, who was traveling for personal reasons, had recognized the man on Saturday night, randomly, as he climbed into a Taxi. Such as the police and the Prosecutor’s office said on Sunday more, pursued by the COP, the Taxi with the Bicycle and alerted her colleagues. The man was no resistance, even in the Taxi take.

The 29-Year-old was paraded on Sunday a judge, who announced the arrest warrant on suspicion of attempted murder, and a remand ordered. The man did not comment on the allegations.

He is. in a traffic control in Coesfeld (North Rhine-Westphalia) on 17 July fled through the city, crashed, and two people slightly injured. By stuff notes he had been identified, the police also sought a photo to the Suspect. He also had hit two parked cars. A child can only save with a jump in front of the oncoming car.