roll A wave of insolvencies, which begins in the autumn, over the Land, feared the German Hotel and restaurant Association (Dehoga) in Hessen. The situation is dramatic, said managing Director Julius Wagner on Thursday in Wiesbaden. The President of the Federation and the Wiesbaden-based Hotelier Gerald Kink of the 1500 sorts of operational tasks in the next few months. In view of the economic importance of the hospitality industry for the state of the was “a bitter blow”.

Jacqueline Vogt

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, responsible for the Rhine-Main-part of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

His assessment of the situation, the Association feeds from multiple sources. So at the end of may of 140,000 had been, according to the latest available data of the Federal employment Agency of the 200,000 in the Hessian of hospitality employees in short-time work. Meanwhile, a significant number of Hotels, pensions and camping sites, Restaurants, cafes and snack bars is open again. The shops ran but often bad. Clubs and discotheques, which need to remain in the state of Hesse closed as before, and in addition, the business traveller and the conference business-dependent city, the hotel industry struggled with acute existence to worry about. This is one of the results of an industry survey conducted by the Dehoga-lander Association. The answers drew a harrowing picture.

With special loans water

hold”, If you see in the cities on a warm day full of outdoor cafes, then you believe that gastronomy is functioning again. But that is not true,“ said the Frankfurt restaurateur Robert chard, managing Director of Tiger-palm-group and Vice-President of the Dehoga Hessen. Courses in interior spaces often occupy only difficult to, due to the Shyness of the guests, but also due to the fact that the state government take the Corona-rules for the catering industry is still too strict. The prevent ways to generate revenue such as by larger parties, and acting basically as a deterrent. Mangold, again, the claim of the state government to take the regulation, which defines the hosts and Hoteliers dealing with the restrictions that you must observe in the course of the pandemic and the fight repeated in this context.

In its survey on the situation of the hospitality industry in the state of Hesse, Dehoga feedback of 1000 Farms has received. In view of the Fragmentation and the heterogeneity of the industry, this is a very high number, said Wagner. The statements he summed up thus: “While the dining-influenced restaurants in the city and the country emanates primarily to survive the crisis, just as there is about a quarter of the hospitality industry in the state of Hesse, to the end of the year to file for bankruptcy.” A good half of the companies admit that their sales in the current summer months to 50 percent below the prior-year period. In a further third of the drop in sales of between 40 and 20 percent spent in the other he was higher than 70 percent. The estimates for the period up to the end of August to be with these validated sales numbers are almost identical, said Wagner. Many companies are only on the market because they were with special loans over water.

collapse of the hospitality industry, a collateral damage of the pandemic?

The guarantee volume of the guarantee Bank of Hesse, which secures to the banks corporate lending through loan guarantees, was in June of 44.2 million euros, which means an increase of 57 percent compared to the same period last year (28.1 million euros). The managing Director of the guarantee Bank of Hesse, Sven Volkert said on Thursday. In the above-mentioned volume of the restaurant industry with a share of 4.4 million euros. In the Wake of the Corona-crisis, the Bank guarantee, have expanded their Portfolio of loans could be secured up to 90 per cent, the upper limit for new guarantees was doubled to 2.5 million euros and the access to the available Express been a guarantee of relief. Often redemptions had been suspended, which could promote liquidity.