holds The German meat industry the Federal government’s proposed ban on contract work and temporary work in your industry to be unconstitutional. Besides, prices attributed with significantly increasing Meat. The opinion of the social policy Committee of the branch to the legislative projects of the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), such as the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” in its Saturday edition reported.

In the Letter, it does not mean that it is explainable, why in the portioning and packaging of cheese in the future, other work should apply as in the case of sausage. “The law goes too far.” It is a “abstruse unequal treatment” compared to other industries.

On temporary Agency work

was to rely in future on temporary workers, to be able to production peaks around the barbecue season interception. Work would be prohibited in Contracting and temporary employment, verteure the production. “The consumer price is expected to rise and, therefore, 10 to 20 percent per Kilo of product”, – stated in the opinion. It is also expected that the production was relocated abroad, including the animal husbandry.

As a consequence of a Corona onset at the meat company Tönnies announced by the Federal government, that with the beginning of the year 2021 contracts for work and temporary employees will be abolished in the meat industry. The Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to present the corresponding draft law by the end of this month.