The number of highly-qualified, through the blue card of the EU to Germany, has risen in the past year. Overall, last year 31.220 were Non-EU foreigners with the help of a Blue card in Germany come, which is 14.6% more than in the previous year, informed the Federal office for Migration and refugees (Bamf) on Friday in Nuremberg.

“Since the introduction eight years ago, the Issue is to get the EU Blue card continuously,” said Andrea Schumacher, Vice-President of the Federal office. Germany spent in popularity among the EU-countries on the front. Since the introduction more than 82 percent of the Grants were not always account for Blue cards in Europe on the Federal Republic of Germany.

The blue card of the European Union was introduced in Germany in 2012. You are granted a temporary residence – and work permit for highly qualified, a requirement to have a University degree, a job commitment in Germany, as well as a certain minimum income.

Approximately every fourth card goes to a woman

In the year 2019, a quarter of all the Blue cards had been issued to Indians, followed by Chinese, Russians, and Turks. Only every fourth blue card goes to a woman. Most of the graduates migrate to Bavaria (21.3 percent), followed by Baden-Württemberg (16,2), North Rhine-Westphalia (15,8) and Berlin (14,7).

Who lived at least five years and worked in Germany, can receive a permanent residence permit. This possibility is exploited in the past year, the Federal office according to 2410 people, almost 20 percent more than in the previous year. Also, the number of residence titles in the research, for students and for employees of companies operating in Germany go further to the top.

The influx of skilled workers is a declared goal of Germany. The shortage of skilled labour has been defined among other things by the Federal Agency for work as a key obstacle to Growth.