The police in Heilbronn, Germany, has taken an Italian martial artist solid, had been since 2014 due to a series of crimes and according to information from the F. A. Z. in the past year as an extra in a “crime scene” was in. The Carabinieri reported in the Italian coastal town of Reggio Calabria on Friday, was involved in the 1976-born man, among other things, to armed Robbery and a kidnapping. For the deeds that he had in 2008 committed together with accomplices, he was sentenced in three cases. But he dove in. The total open penalty was set to mid-2019 for four years, six months and ten days.

David Klaubert

editor in the Department “Germany and the world”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

at The same time, about the Wanted took part, according to the F. A. Z. on shooting a “scene” of the Ludwigshafen investigator teams. Together with other Martial artists from Heilbronn, he mimed for the SWR-crime “Among wolves” powerful supers. Commissioner Lena Odenthal (Ulrike Folkerts) and their colleagues have to do it in the case with murder in the bouncer Milieu to. On the Set of the martial artist posed for a photo that you Searched for then spoke with the Reporter of a local weekly sheet – under his full name.

“Encouraged by the fact that he could not be prosecuted”, – stated in the message of the Carabinieri, “he had decided to make his life to continue without worrying that he might be wanted by the Italian authorities.” In the case of Instagram and Facebook, the Volatile was still active. He campaigned for the combat sports Academy in which he trained – what remained of the investigators in Calabria, other than he took, apparently, hidden.