Hessian schools should impose no mask duty at break stations and day-care centres are no longer allowed to send children with cold symptoms home. The are two points out of a catalogue of demands for the upcoming school year, the Initiative “parents in crisis” to the state government and the Frankfurt magistrate has sent.

Matthias Trautsch

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In recent months the Corona are limitations for families in a significant, from the policy is not sufficiently taken into account burden have been. Virologists have now recognized that Covid-19 will widely used less by children than initially assumed. At the same time, Doctors, sociologists, and psychologists have warned long-term damage that would be caused by the Corona restrictions in children.

“Non-reflex detention, daycare centers and schools close”

calls upon The parents ‘ initiative, that in the case of a further increase in the infection of “non – reflex as the first and only measure of day-care centres, schools and other child-care facilities as well as institutions of open child and youth work numbers are closed”. Necessary event-specific, clear and verifiable steps, using the facilities and families informed at an early stage would be.

The policy should review the guidelines for childcare in a number of important points, and clarify, – stated in the open letter. The previous guidelines were contradictory, leading to uncertainty, in consequence of which the carrier restrictions of your operation unnecessarily strong. To the parents of the practice, children of the common cold of the care to be excluded. Even a negative Corona Test will not be accepted by some institutions.