Seven shots from revenge: The district court of Limburg has sentenced a twenty-eight year old for the murder of a restaurateur from Rhineland-Palatinate to life imprisonment. The judges said the confessed man guilty in September 2019 in the Central Hessian Wetzlar on the car of his 39-year-old victim fired. Three projectiles met the man who bled to death this internally. His passenger survived the attack unharmed. The judges were in this case of attempted murder. To life-long imprisonment had previously argued both prosecution as well as defence.

the motive for the deed is supposed to be revenge for a deadly family dispute in Turkey three years ago. “I alone have the responsibility”, stressed the twenty-eight years old at the beginning of the process at the end of may. No one else will have had something to do with the fact.

Political differences in the family

The man was sitting with a Siebenundzwanig – as well as a thirty-eight year old on the dock. The two men will be involved in the fact, and for the logistics and for the procurement of the gun was responsible – which they vehemently denied. The court separated the proceedings against the two, and will negotiate against you.

All three defendants are Turkish nationals and, in part, related to each other. In the case of the deadly family quarrel in Turkey on the day of the constitutional referendum in April 2017 there will be political differences went. According to the 28-year-old man was come, because a part of the family of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan do not want to support.

The incident and the associated injustice to have him “eaten up inside”, as the defendant. Among the Victims of the violence in Turkey, his uncle and grandfather, therefore. The offender should be the age of brother of the in Wetzlar, killed thirty-Nine.