In the night to Saturday, it is seriously on the Frankfurt’s Opera square. The new regulation of the city of Frankfurt, to close the space for a party attacks for the first Time.From midnight on the zentraleOrt is cleared at the Old Opervon the police. Of a clock, he must be up at five in the morning, for the time being on the weekends to enter. Thus the city and police respond to the violence last weekend, which came after attacks on police officers and destruction to 39Festnahmen.

Daniel Meuren

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

This General is for the time being to 6. September, as the Frankfurt security Department head Markus Frank (CDU), announced at a joint press conference with police Vice President Walter Seubert and the Environment Deputy mayor Rosemarie Heilig.

The new safety concept is a special preparation of the security forces on the open-air parties. According to Seuberts the police has set up a “special organization” that deals “specifically with the measures at the Opera square”. Thus, it is planned, light poles and loudspeaker cars, to be able to better control it.

The police-the Vice President stressed that level should be kept. “We don’t want to make Frankfurt a fortress,” he said. “But we will prevent Attacks of any kind consistently and prevent.”

people should be able to continue to meet

Despite the significant measures taken by the city in Conjunction with the police, Frank repeated that Frankfurt am more to the liberal basic attitude. “We want people to meet and exchange,” he said. “It’s not about a draconian appearance of the police. But we want to show that We are there.“

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Against a fortress built tgenommen rioters from last weekend, coming in from the countryside, a residence ban is meanwhile, been adopted. You are not allowed to enter from 18 o’clock in the evening until 6 o’clock in the morning, even the city.

for Further investigative procedures, thanks to Videos

Regardless of the investigation into the riots run “under high pressure”, as Seubert said.”We are going to summarize the evidence.“ The police and a great number of Smartphones, recorded Videos to help the Opera square, visitors have sent in. “We still Videos. This is expected to increase the number of investigation proceedings,“ said Seubert more.

meanwhile, the police has substantiated the origin of the suspects: Of the 39 detainees of German nationality, “for the most part, but a migrant background have a 27”, as Seubert said. Twelve people come from other countries. Were called, among other things, Syria, Turkey, Morocco and Spain.

The police Vice-President also stressed that his officers are prepared if riots should probably Dodge from outside, now to other places. “We are set to keep the city in view.It would be negligent to focus only on the Opera square.“ Sicherheitsdzernent Frank wish, meanwhile, of the party visitors “a clear Signal” that more places would have to be locked. However, if there are again riots, do not rule out the extension of the measures.