of Course, the voices that say, in the case of Wirecard won’t shake the confidence in the German Supervisory authorities are coming now. You have to admit: The VW scandal has done for this Narrative is talking about. And, of course, investors will take advantage of the scandal, if you want to lower the price for Start-up shares.

But who does that turns out to be in the same breath as a bad Investor. Because as such, you should know the company, it is capital, better than any Supervisory authority. Who really needs the financial Supervisory authority, Bafin, to check that the business model of their own Start-ups based on criminal activity, and should urgently reconsider his profession as a Investor.

It is therefore good that, many venture capital companies have begun to understand their role only as providers of capital, but also as a Coach. The investors remain in contact with the founders, help them with questions and make helpful contacts.

This not only promotes networking with established companies (which can be quickly to interested buyers), but can also keep you from unpleasant Surprises. Trust can only be the one side of the coin.