The steady trade has been hit hard by the pandemic measures. However, new shops are opening again. Why, the Stanislas Le Bert, Director of the Swedish natural cosmetics company L:a Bruket, who taught in Berlin at the middle of the first Store in Germany told.

Why have you decided to open despite the pandemic in your business?

Actually, the skin care industry has remained of the pandemic largely spared. The demand is relatively stable and the economic Outlook even more optimistic voices. We have seen a strong increase in demand in our Online store, many of them were first-time customers who have ordered during the lock downs. In the long term, we want to have direct contact with the customer. We want a space where you can experience the products and the culture behind the brand and to invite you to Workshops and events with local partners. And it is also what sends the signals as a brand in this time.

How to play together with the kind of Lockdown changed our access to consumption?

I believe that the Situation strengthens the “Back to basics”mentality and people think about it, to consume better, to buy meaningful things and to rationalize at the end of perhaps the consumer easy. In the long term, will not win the opportunistic brands, but rather those who communicate in a consistent and transparent products that are aesthetically pleasing, useful, and sustainable.

But as the pursuit of sustainability, and the Expansion, the track fits together? Especially with Capital Partners in the past year, an Investor in the family business

This is a constant challenge entered…. We have been trying for years, to act as sustainably as possible. We use recycled plastic for our packaging and make Refills, even in the case of the scented candles. We are certified with the “Cosmos”- seal, the high Standards of the production. Despite our growth, and we adjust our supply chains. We, while opening up its own shops and launching in the United States, with Gwyneth Paltrow’s platform Goop, for that we rationalize in other Places, select our Distribution better. Our founder, Mats Johansson and Monica Kylén, responsible for the development of production, was paid to Swedish employees in the Headquarters in Varburg last year, a piece of forest to Christmas. And this act describes the company’s philosophy quite well.

And that is?

We come from Varburg, a small town with a population of 35,000. The city is located by the sea and has a two-hundred-year-old thalassotherapy Tradition with the source of healing Svartekälla. The Spa is directly on the sea, you go in the Sauna, then jumps into the sea and rubbed with algae. Behind it is directly adjacent to a forest. The marine and Botanical elements form the core of the L:a Bruket. We try not innovation behind running and technical solutions against wrinkles and spots to offer, but to support us from nature, without exploiting them. The algae of a family that has been collecting algae in the third Generation, and the birch trees come from the forests to Varberg.