A year after the deadly attack on Frankfurt’s main train station, in the case of a seven-year-old Boy in front of a drive-in ICE had been encountered, has required stations, and the family more safety precautions on the railway. As your attorney, announced on Tuesday, the parents and the sister of the young are still in great sadness.

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The mother survived the attack on Track 7 only just, for her son, who was pushed by the allegedly schizophrenic offenders Habte A. on the railroad, came too late. 19. August the trial against forty-one begins to years. The anniversary and the forthcoming main hearing had to endure for the family “is especially difficult to determine,” said the lawyer.

according to His words, the family provides for the cooperation between the German and the Swiss authorities are very critical. In addition, there is a lack still security precautions to protect people on our platforms better. “The Federal interior Minister Seehofer announced measures to improve the safety in the railway transport have led to no visible result.

May be a better Monitoring of the railway station would have prevented the death of Leo“, – stated in the message of the Prosecutor. Currently being with the Deutsche Bahn in the conversation, whether there could be a small memorial plaque at the train station.