According to the Agreement of Brussels of early Tuesday morning, the squabbles within the left-wing coalition, in Rome, blown away: Unanimous in the relevant votes of the coalition partner cheered Reached the. The foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio of the left-wing populist Five-star movement spoke of “a fundamental result for our future” and praised the work of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and all the Ministers concerned. “Today, Europe has shown that it has changed and is able to take into account the interests of all member States,” wrote Di Maio on his Facebook page.

Matthias Rüb

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta, based in Rome.

F. A. Z.

Hans-Christian Rößler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, with its headquarters in Madrid.

F. A. Z.

Nicola Zingaretti, Chairman of the social democratic Partito Democratico (PD), praised “the great struggle of the government of Conte and the beautiful victory for Italy”. Europe had shown “that it is stronger, more popular and closer to the people,” wrote Zingaretti on Twitter. Now, there is a need of concrete visions, the ecological, digital, and including conversion of the Italian economy could be rapidly pushed forward.

The former Prime Minister and PD Chairman Matteo Renzi of the small center-left party “Italia Viva” spoke of a “historic step” and urged that now was the 209 billion euros for Italy from the EU reconstruction funds would have to be spent wisely. Renzi stressed, Conte cooperated “well with the axis Macron-Merkel”. The result of Brussels was a great success for the supporters of Europe and a “serious blow to the axis of sovereignty”. The big challenge is now, “this mountain of money” well to spend, said Renzi. He reiterated the demand that Rome should now take, in the framework of the European stability mechanism (ESM) available funds in the claim.

“wide view of the axis Merkel-Macron”

so Far, in the Five-star movement is in fierce opposition to the adoption of 39 billion euros from the ESM. The left-wing populists hostile to the Euro-rescue Fund, due to the once associated with the reform requirements in the bailout for Greece as a violation of the national sovereignty principle. Unlike the aid to Greece in the years after 2010, the ESM funds for Italy, which could use the Land immediately, for his health would, but without reform of the guidelines paid. PD and “Italia Viva”, for the adoption of the ESM-billion.

On the side of the Opposition, the reactions were contradictory. Anna Maria Bernini, Chairman of the liberal-conservative “Forza Italia” the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the Senate, spoke of a “historic step forward”. Thanks to the “foresight of the axis Merkel-Macron” started the EU “with the communitarisation of European debt”. The Prime Minister, Conte deserved praise, that he had achieved a “more than satisfactory result for Italy”. The use of the funds must now be decided in Parliament. The Prime Minister could not simply by decree, a special Commissioner with authority over the EU budget.