At first glance, the French Nadège Vanhée-Cybulski looks almost unremarkable: she wears her Auburn, shoulder-length hair without Styling, no Makeup and only a hint of rose-coloured lipstick as well as a Navy-coloured top, which could either be minimalist or normal. To correctly assess the can not, because of the lock downs in Paris, Interview by video conference will take place. In fashion, the current head designer of the house of Hermès does not apply, however, quite unspectacular: your Name stands for modern, calm, but very refined Design, doesn’t stop with gender stereotypes. You are a good match pants, as graceful as dresses, showing skin, to bare without drives material qualities on the top, that silk looks indestructible and a leather delicate.

Learned she has honed her craft at Martin Margiela, the New York Label The Row and, together with Phoebe Philo, at Céline. 2014 replacing Christophe Lemaire, and has been responsible since then for the women’s fashion of the French house of Hermès. Privately and professionally, she is in the middle in the Transition: In the late summer of 2019 for the first-Time mother. And at Hermès she is busy to design the woman according to your wishes.

Mrs Vanhée-Cybulski, what you think of the Influencer, which are simply dressed always, according to the latest Trends, are now referred to as style icons?

Good style is not just a pleasure. To him, you need a strong Vision of beauty. As a designer, he combined for me also, good Design and high functionality. And he embodied values: how to deal with others, how one perceives his environment and value estimates. It is a multifaceted concept.

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Good style has a moral Dimension?

For me, this is obvious. I always wanted to find a balance between my Dreams, my personal and progressive values that make our lives to improve. I see the Bauhaus as a good example of a school that combines practicality and beauty. What gives me in the case of Hermès, a sense of Confidence, is the strong corporate culture: There is gender justice, and the employees draw satisfaction from their work.

Influenced by the theme of sustainability in your everyday life at Hermès?

Specifically, in the Small, for example when it comes how we produce less waste packaging, less waste, and consider whether we really need to produce as many prototypes of our Designs. Anyone who buys at Hermès, will receive a lifetime guarantee: it Is broken, you can fix it.

does it make a difference whether you are speaking personally or as a designer of the brand Hermès on your idea of style?

For me personally, the development of style is a means to make Transitions from child to adolescent, from the young to the young woman. As a girl, I found the New Romantics is fascinating, then, Morrissey and Garage Bands. Between 18 and 20 I met Watanabe on the Work of the Designer Helmut Lang and Junya. For me this was the epitome of good style, fashion with a strong impact: pure and brave, not just clothes, but functional and with a unique Look.