in response to the increasing Corona-Infection rates for Austria extends the mask duty. In super markets, Bank and post office branches had to be worn from Friday to a mouth-nose protection, said the German Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) in Vienna on Tuesday.

Recently, the mask was compulsory only in buses and trains, in the medical field as well as in some regions. Since the beginning of July, had been infected in Austria, part of more than 100 people daily. A total of 1400 people in the Alpine Republic is currently infected with the Virus. “It starts to bubble a little bit,” said health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Green). The Wearing of the mask also have a symbolic effect, said Short. “The more it disappears from our everyday life, the greater the carelessness is.”

He also announced stricter border controls with Hungary and Slovenia. A lot of new Corona cases had been introduced in recent times by travellers who had returned from countries in the Balkans, said the head of government. Also Arriving from high-risk areas could be done only if there is a negative Corona-the Test, called PCR, existed, which had been issued by a is also recognised in Austria the lab, or if the travellers go in quarantine.

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to be pushed In addition, churches and religious communities with respect to high-risk areas abroad, a General mask of duty. In the free churches, and a Serbian Orthodox Church in Vienna Corona were recently localized Cluster. If a positive case was being recorded, needed to close the affected Church, it said.

Overall, the government increased the pressure, the quarantine is also mandatory. So far, 56,000 people had been checked, said the Minister of the interior Karl Nehammer (ÖVP). In 260 cases, penalties have been imposed. It is necessary to prevent a second wave and a second Lockdown with all the Power, said Vice-Chancellor, Werner Kogler (Green).