It is the first Time this Monday, the biology Professor Ulrich Kutschera against the wind in the hall of the local court gets Kassel. In front of him, a 52-year-old University employee sits as a witness. “These statements and many more are inflammatory, and are objectively likely to generate violence,” said gay on an Interview, the Kutschera 2017 gave the Internet portal .

Because of the text, the Professor is now for the second Time in court, a first process was a burst of 2019. The indictment accuses the evolutionary biologists sedition in coincidence with insult and slander. He has been credited with under the pretext of alleged “life science facts” Homosexuals have a fundamental inclination to the sexual abuse of children. Kutschera is a Professor at the University of Kassel.

at the Time, he said in the Interview on the topic of “marriage for all”, so marriages among persons of the same sex: “Should the adoption law for man-man or woman-woman-the erotic associations, I see state-sponsored pedophilia and the most severe child abuse waiting to happen.” Elsewhere, he spoke at gay men, couples with adopted son, under certain circumstances, of a possible “Horror-child molester-scenario”. Kutschera stands by its statements. To also stressed the start of the process that these were covered by the facts, and through studies and statements by other scientists are made. In addition, a part of the statements will be misunderstood, because they are based on the biological terminology: the So-Kutschera Homo called sexual couples “, sterile, asexual eroticism-Duos without reproductive potential.” And the public Prosecutor have torn his Remarks, which actually, in a questionable attempt to gender would relate to identity, out of context. He also referred to the freedom of science and expression. After the Interview Concerned and the student had filed a complaint, including the 52-year-old witness.

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The computer scientist, criticized the statements Kutscheras. They were in the spirit of reasoning, with which the national socialists had the persecution of homosexuals justified. Would you today still used by regimes to justify repression of Gays. The computer scientist also Kutscheras work. “In any source is a flagrant violation of scientific Standards.”

Own book to show as evidence

the coachman announced, however, his statements. His lawyer asked a number of applications, after which selected scientists to court to appear, in order to evaluate the Statements. Alternatively, the position should be picked. In the first process Kutschera had caused quite a stir, because he wanted to introduce his own book “The Gender paradox” in the “self-reading method” as a proof. In it, he noted. Only after the study of the book will be clear that his statements “- based knowledge on a biological subject”.