According to Attila Hildmanns new Statements about the Green politician Volker Beck is growing on Twitter calls for a Boycott of the books of the Vegan chef. Under the Hashtags #Thalia boycott and #Attila hildmann users call for, to distribute the works of the 39-year-old Berliner. Hildmann himself had previously said at a rally in Berlin: “So if I were Chancellor I would introduce the death penalty for Volker Beck once again, if you crush his balls in a public square.”

The Boycott demands are aimed at all book retailers and readers, but especially to Germany’s largest bookstore chain Thalia. The market leader in the retail book trade had, however, already on 15. June to request in writing: “We currently see no reason to remove the books of Mr. Hildmann from our range. Of course, it is up to our customers to decide which books you order from us and which are not.“

This is some of the discussion Participants see it that way. A user writes: “I don’t like the Hildmann still people who buy his books. But Still they are not banned. We want to work towards really to the fact that dealers banish legal books?“ The Vegan chef Hildmann manifests itself publicly with radical positions, for example to Corona or national socialism. Instant-Messaging-service “Telegram” to follow him around 67,000 people.