The Mainz-based biotech company Biontech and Partner Pfizer have entered into a first agreement with great Britain for 30 million doses of the vaccine candidates BNT162 against the Coronavirus. The company announced on Monday morning.A prerequisite is that the clinical trials were successful and regulatory approval will granted, it was more. Accordingly, the delivery of the 2020 and 2021 is planned. Financial Details were not called.

Ilka Kopplin

editor in the economy.

F. A. to Z.

“We are in advanced talks with several other governments, and we hope that soon other supply agreements are known to give. Our goal is to provide people all over the world as quickly as possible, a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine available,“ said Ugur Sahin, Biontech-founder and CEO of the biotech company, listed since last year at the American technology stock exchange Nasdaq.

In July to start-scale effectiveness study

Biontechs vaccine program BNT162 includes four candidates. In April, the company was started in this country with the first clinical study. A short time later, a study in America followed. From the local testing recently, first results have been published. It is the candidate BNT162b1 was tested in a study of Phase I/II, 45 subjects in various dosages.

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in Total, showed the preliminary data that the doses administered were well tolerated and a dose-dependent efficacy was achieved based on the antibody concentration. Also, the data showed that the antibody quantities comparable to or even higher than the amounts of the patients were measured in the blood plasma of convalescent COVID-19 -. On Monday, the first positive data from the study, which is being carried out followed also.

in July, the two companies had announced recently, might start a large-scale efficacy study of the Phase IIb/III, with the most promising of the four candidates, with about 30,000 volunteers. Recently, the American approval authority was granted to FDA in addition, for two of the four currently in clinical development vaccine candidates are the so-called Fast-Track Status, so a fast-track admission procedures.

If the clinical trials are successful, the two companies expect to be able to in October 2020 to apply for authorisation. Depending on the dose amount Biontech and Pfizer global plan by the end of the year, up to 100 million doses, and by the end of 2021 may be more than 1.3 billion doses to recover.