The black series continues for the French. After the zero point on the courts Wednesday, May 31, it is an abandonment, that of Gaël Monfils, who completes this day to forget. The Frenchman was due to face world number 6 Holger Rune on Thursday night. It will not be: he is forced to withdraw from the tournament for a wrist injury.

“I have a partial rupture” ligament at the level of the “left wrist”, explained the French thirty-something during a press conference. Gael Monfils (36) had an incredible first-round victory on Tuesday night after being trailed 4 games to 0 in the fifth set by Argentinian Sebastian Baez (42nd). It was his first success since his return to the circuit after seven months of absence, the fault of a recalcitrant foot.

“Yesterday [tuesday during the match, editor’s note], I was in pain, at one point I called the physio quickly for two seconds, but in the end I had handled myself a little on my own and I said to myself that I didn’t I didn’t necessarily need it. I finished the match with a lot of adrenaline. In the evening, we iced right away, I thought it was going well. This morning (Wednesday), I took a lot of anti-inflammatories, we hit a little bit, I was still in pain, we took care, we hit a bit more this afternoon, I I typed well, but I felt that I was still in pain. Finally, with the doctor, he was not sure with the ultrasound, we did an MRI to get to the bottom of it, and he said to me ‘don’t play’”, said Monfils.

“I don’t show it too much, but there is more than disappointment, because how many of the French Open do I have left? he wondered aloud. That, above all, is the real question. How many do I have left? I just heard the news 30 minutes ago, it’s fresh. For now, I’m digesting it,” he continued. Gaël Monfils must take additional exams on Thursday to find out more about the duration of his unavailability. But he wanted to be rather optimistic on Wednesday evening.

“The doctor told me he was hopeful that I could play on grass”, the season of which begins in the wake of Roland-Garros, he said. “It’s a few weeks, it’s not huge,” he also said. “It can be very fast, like longer. If it was a complete rupture, it would be more serious. There, it’s just partial, ”he further relativized.

Already qualified for the third round, Rune, one of the most serious underdogs of the Parisian grand slam, will face a player from the qualifications for a place in the round of 16: either the Argentinian Genaro Alberto Olivieri or the Italian Andrea Vavasori.