you want to annoy him, apparently. First, they denounce its place as the “right space”, then you have to pull a slab of stone with lines of poetry by Ezra Pound from the ground, and now you make him an advertising medium for an ecological capitalism, in front of the nose. The architect Hans Kollhoff is right to be indignant about what is happening on his, twenty years ago, opened the Walter-Benjamin-Platz in Berlin. It is not some place we are talking about here, but the architectural expression of an Aesthetic that refers to the traditional urban planning in Italy and southern Europe, and the typology of the colonnade in a successful way, in our time, translated. A self-consciously monumental, perhaps even provocative style, based on Traditional. In addition to all the transparency built false castles facades must also have one of those, historically, affirmative construction of their entitlement in a different city. Otherwise it is not diverse, but narrow-minded.

To Pound, and his three, usury complain of lines that has been said in the course of the last year. The idea that you meet the current anti-Semitism, by removing an ambiguous poem quote, is about as comprehensible to prohibit, as policy, scientific seminars, the reading of Plato, so that in future there will be no ruler more. The granite slab was removed with the controversial inscription at the end of January at the behest of the hard-to-rich investment company Blackstone, which operates as the owner of the place, secretly, was not only a scandal but also a sign for what was now kindled to the image of hygienic fury. Now, at the height of the General symbol of political aberrations, became the Walter-Benjamin-Platz again to the scene of a ideological show fight.

Nice, but destructive

In the middle of the long-range, only from a fountain and moving place, a group of wood Biotech-Filter, to improve on allegedly revolutionary manner, the air quality is since a few weeks. Start-up “Green City Solutions developed by the much promise,” tying the moss species existing, about two feet high units, fine dust and produce oxygen. In the process, to evaporate the mosses, moisture, and spraying a bit of water. Nice, progressive and, perhaps, really a research sensation, but here it destroys the feeling of space. Kollhoff place lives of strolling people and children playing. He is a Piazza aperta, an open space, on the straight, no tab images, or ideological Statements stand to adjust the space. When strolling alone at night about him, the longing for Italy is not out of your system.