Who would have thought that the nasty white plastic garden chair could be the sign of hope. Where he pairs with tape or Gaffa Tape in the Square surrounded, now, usually in a Meadow or on a place, as he tells us: culture is not far away. Theatre or cabaret, music, or cinema. Since which dared, in spite of Corona, without money and with risk.

The few summer cultural events are just like giant gifts. The Dramatic stage is building in Frankfurt’s grüneburg Park to 18. Your free light stage, under even more difficult conditions than otherwise. Only 250 people are allowed to enter the summer, shipyard, and a technician from Bad Vilbel tried with “Summer Emotions” to stamp a colorful program under the open sky from the ground, the artists take a risk. Courage, perhaps the courage of despair and the love for the cause make many things possible.

It would be great if a few more were waiting, more and more people continue to 22.3 14.5 persons “computer match” with them in a corona safe theatre. The summer time is otherwise festival time, to August, the large houses are closed. With non-bureaucratic decisions and funding more public places could be to aerosol-free Pop-up festival. Outdoor facing the audience, drinking more wants than it is outside would go with pragmatic solutions and a lot more, as now is planned. Even if times fails, a notion due to rain. Until the autumn, could be so stilled longing and new are awakened to fresh art. We would bring our lawn chair for themselves.