The school closures as a result of the Corona-crisis have laid the digital backwardness of the German schools relentlessly open. While in a company, the employees went with a Bang to the home office and met shortly afterwards in video conferences, face-to-face, have had a number of teachers, only a sporadic and non-binding contact to their students.

Relatively advanced unsuspected it, if schools had lists of E-Mail addresses of your students and give them work orders electronically and could be returned. According to a Forsa survey from April, one-third of the teachers sent, however, the task sheets with the Mail or dropped it off at the school pick up. A large part of the students, the polls showed, spent only a few hours in the week for the school. This was true not only for young people from poor families, but also for some of the Adolescents from educated middle-class households.

of Course, there were also teachers who had taught with the help of digital media and the continued actions, those that wanted to try it out for a long time and now into the cold water and jumped, a pioneer of the schools that mastered the new Situation, and private schools, where not much has changed: classes are held at the same times and with compulsory attendance, only in the virtual space. In General, the regular and binding contact between students and teachers from diluted, however, disturbing way.

a combination of classroom and distance learning phases

Annoying Rant about the slow digitization of the German schools now but nothing. There is an urgent need to look forward. Because the hope, the have remote done teaching after the summer holidays, largely, is likely to prove to be wishful thinking. As long as the Virus is not defeated, is always threatened by school closures, regional, or even nationwide. The hope is that students spread the Virus noticeably less, could be wrong.

A rule, the operation itself will be not possible, because of the already rampant shortage of teachers yet the teachers are added, classify in the classroom as a risky for your health. In the school, they are more likely to come, if at a distance, in small groups, is taught, so only a part of the student on the spot. The also requires the case of open schools in a combination of presence and distance teaching.

How can both of these make sense to connect? Under the Umbrella term “Blended Learning”, scientists have promoted long before Corona for a combination of classroom and distance learning phases and the Central importance of the classroom teaching emphasizes, is the social interaction and the personal relationship between teacher and learner is crucial for learning success. Students and teachers should come together so often to the infection to happen this permits, in the class room.