In the debate on a new career scheme for secondary representations of the FC Bayern Munich will find no majority. According to the initiative of President Herbert Hainer, the criticism of the idea grew on Friday from the football League to the third division. Hainer had raised the Plan to let the Reserve Teams of the Bundesliga clubs in the future in the second League start. So far, the third League is the Maximum.

“I have the utmost respect for Herbert Hainer, but this is a proposal I cannot support at all. The 1. and 2. Bundesliga must be reserved for the license teams of the professional clubs and not the second representation, especially, and also in the interest of the second division,” said Schalke’s sporting Director Jochen Schneider to the “sports show”. The third division was retained as the highest class for Reserve Teams.

“talent or make money?”

Even in third League team Waldhof Mannheim Hainer’s idea met with a refusal. “You should second-representations in the 2. Bundesliga, will allow the investment in secondary offices in the Regionalliga and 3. League on the rise as the second representation in the 2. League place,“ said managing Director Markus Kompp the German press Agency. “This may not be in the interest of the League, the voltage and of the sporting competition.” The opportunity for advancement for the tradition of the clubs on the threshold of the professional football would be “much more difficult and the gap between the Clubs in the medium term, even greater.”

Hainer had raised the question, “why not”, two teams of clubs in League one and two could play. In Spain, for example, may start the second representation of a first League team in the class directly below it. “An athlete strives for the Maximum and want to upgrade, if he can ascend. I think that you should make since in time thoughts”, said Hainer in the current club magazine “51”. Bayern II had become in the past third season of the League champion as a rising star, but must stay in the class.

Kompp finds, however, that in professional football “as many towns and regions as possible in Germany shown” should be. “I also think that the attractiveness for the leagues in terms of spectators would be reduced,” said the 37-Year-old. “Generally speaking, one has to ask the question here, whether you want to earn with the second representation of money or this is to be used for the promotion of talent. I prioritize here, definitely the talent, so that young footballers can earn in a demanding League game practice.“