For a good two weeks due to strikes in Israel, the second Corona-shaft. The infection numbers are rising steadily, and since then, wrestling with the Israeli leadership with measures that were largely introduced so far and continues to be great disagreement prevails. Now, in the night on Friday, decided that the Israeli government first restrictions of public life. You will apply for the weekends. And causing resentment.

Jochen Stahnke

Political correspondent for Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan, with headquarters in Tel Aviv.

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on Friday afternoon, as well gyms and other sports facilities will remain from 17 PM until the Israeli week, beginning at five o’clock in the morning on a Sunday Restaurants, cafes, museums and shopping centers closed. By the next weekend, the beaches will be closed this weekend, however, as the office of the Prime Minister has announced. In closed spaces are not allowed no more than ten people, under the open sky for twenty, if it is a work environment or to nuclear families. Hotel restaurants are allowed to stay up to a capacity of 35 percent open. Output restrictions for citizens are not yet available. The Cabinet has recommended a closure of the summer schools and holiday camps.

last Minute Change

to be Meanwhile, the Minister of education, Joav Galant criticized, in this question not part of it. “A whole country trying to understand the rules for the weekend and can’t make it” scolded opposition leader Yair Lapid. Some restaurant owners have already announced to comply with the regulations. It is unthinkable to make such a decision in the middle of the night from one moment to the next, because you have already purchased Goods for the lucrative weekend business.

The Chairman of the opposition right-wing party, Naftali Bennett criticized the fact that by the action, hundreds of workers were affected. “Why ruin the livelihood of the people?” The Chairman of the Association for Public health Hagai Levine said: “There is no epidemiological logic behind a Lockdown at week-ends or access restrictions in open-air area.” A national domestic Lockdown could cause, on the contrary, rather more infections, argued the epidemiologist. And the Chairman of the opposition party Yisrael Beitenu, Avigdor Lieberman, said that the government meet on a daily basis new “bizarre decisions” and an Amateur put-like behavior.

And in fact: On Friday, shortly before 17 o’clock, the government changed once again in the right direction. Restaurants are now allowed to stay till the Tuesday’s open, was announced by Netanyahu.

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Five months after the outbreak of the epidemic in Israel, which the authorities are closing due to rapid Boundary and the output lock first, quickly got a handle on, is not it only come to a second wave with more than 1800 new infections (with a population of nearly nine million). It also shows that little precautions have been taken, to me your deal. Ninety percent of the Infected is to the authorities to now it is unclear where the infection is located. An opening strategy that took into account both medical as well as economic aspects were not available. In time, lower infection about the Minister for Finance and health, as well as high-ranking officials were exchanged figures, while the Prime Minister was primarily preoccupied with his own criminal process, and public of the annexation of the West Bank prepared. In the Cabinet, conflicting announcements are piling up in the meantime, while the unemployment rate is over twenty percent.

The Central Bank chief criticized on Thursday by the Cabinet not yet approved announcement by Netanyahu, to transfer each Israeli household is unique between the equivalent of two hundred and eight hundred euros, as inefficient. The measures would burden the state budget with a further one and a half billion euros. Nevertheless, at least twenty percent of Israelis in the public sector, which is affected by the loss of Salary previously and do not need this money, in contrast to other strongly. The former Minister of Finance Avraham scho chat called the program in the newspaper “Maariv” a “bribe”, behind the “no economic logic” was.