To know

that pays tribute to a well-to 30,000-year-old Tradition when you hang the Laundry, a unfortunately, not to forget that later on the Ironing Board tribute is a tribute to. Linen wrinkles, perhaps noble, but the bed still feels comfortable, the more often it is washed – and ironed.

Sonja Kastilan

Responsible for the Department of “science,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

Why is this fabric exactly booming, is me a mystery, or am I especially sensitive? But the “Masters of Linen” seems to be secretly a trend to be turning managed: Linen from a European production can now show off in the summer only ecologically, but may also be considered as a cooling effect, smooth and soft at the same time. Instead of cotton satin Batiste made of long-fiber flax is suddenly fashionable, and even “stone-washed” come on this way back in fashion, if it should be smooth, not only robust or tensile strength.

in addition to hemp and nettles or the Bark served of flax already in the dawn of mankind as a plant fiber source. Even those hunter-gatherers who inhabited in the stone age, the Georgian Dzudzuana cave, must have appreciated the versatility, because archaeologists found apart from stone tools, both needle (made of bone) as well as threads, the matching of the wild flax.

the Common Flax in Europe

in Front of around 30,000 years ago, has processed someone plant fibers, without suspecting that at some point an oath hand-sign as a seal of quality for pure linen or half-linen is going to be important. Or that cotton imports to the flourishing cultivation of flax in Europe, pushing it back. This is maintained at least in France, Belgium and the Netherlands – from Caen to Amsterdam, less often in Germany and Austria. Too bad, because the blue flowers of the Common flax (Linum usitatissimum) sway nicely in the Wind, while gusts to challenge the meter-high, very thin Stems mechanically.

While I fight with the sheets, it vines on my balcony between ivy, to tighten Minztöpfen, fern and lavender to Dry, I realize that I would have come no place for the cloth and carpet from Bayeux, and also cultural history with the feet: In the spring I treated the floor slabs with linseed oil-varnish – recommended as a tried and tested wood protection products, I could emphasise the brickwork or mix colors, and anyone who was involved once with Linoleum, white, how are essential Flaxseed.

Tedious spinning

This is how it probably started: Not fibers, but Oilseeds coveted the first breeders in the Middle East, who were already 11,000 years ago to the Ur-Lein. By selecting the seeds were gradually larger as the finds from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Israel, but in the Turkish site of Çatalhöyük also 9000 years outlasted the old fabric. In the Neolithic Luggage Linum came to be cultivated in addition to lentils and cereals to Europe, of course, traces of the breeding history can be found in the genome of the Plant.