With a story that revolves loosely around a fighter by the name of Arthur, a magician called Merlin, and a mighty sword, you no Originality Grail more. Alone for the Modern relevant lists around sixty novels, as well as a similar number of movies and TV shows; most recently there was “Merlin” from the BBC, “Arthur and Merlin” by Marco van Belle and Guy Ritchie’s “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword”. In the cinema The Green Knight” with Slumdog-Millionaire Star Dev Patel to follow “as such.

The Netflix series, “Cursed”, in the blood pressure until the bloodbath is all going to have to take care of the little. The persistent appetite for medieval – and Fantasy-productions will be supported. The series Creator Thomas Wheeler and Frank Miller (“300”), submitted in the autumn of the same name, richly illustrated book, with an unusual angle: “Cursed” tells the story of the Suffering of the young Nimue, the Welsh-Breton legendary figure that will be the “guardian of the lake”.

Painful kitschy images

your face Katherine Langford, the suicidal Hannah in the Netflix production “Dead girls don’t lie” became famous heard. In “Cursed” looks at first like a conventional book-worm that is hatched for the Live role-playing game on the weekend in the role of a witch forces equipped virgin. But this impression evaporates into a series that picks up from episode to episode more and more travel – it is also part of the story: “You’re not a fragile maiden. You’re a warrior.“