As a “pathetic” referred to Deniz Yücel, the judgment against him. His lawyer, Veysel Ok, had requested an award wishes to Lodge an appeal. 32. The Istanbul assize court sentenced Eden German journalist Deniz Yücel on Thursday in absentia to two years, nine months and 22 days in jail. The court found Yücel was made because of terrorist propaganda for the PKK guilty of the charges of sedition it had to fall. The prosecution had demanded for both reasons, 15 years to life in prison. Already in February she had a third allegation by the terrorist propaganda dropped in favor of the Gülen movement, case. Further, two procedures, because of the insult to the Turkish state and the state President Tayyip Erdogan to run against Yücel.

Rainer Hermann

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

Listen to human rights activist Peter Steudtner in the F. A. Z. Podcast for Germany to Yücel-judgment.

Yucel lives in Germany and works for the newspaper “The world”. On their Website, he wrote in a first reaction, it was a political judgment as to how the whole story of his arrest to be politically motivated had been. As a “long chain of state crime” of Turkey, he described his unlawful arrest and the attempt to treat him as a “hostage”. He had only done his work as a Journalist. Dasbereue he’s not. Sooner or later a court will find that too.

in February 2017, Yücel was imprisoned for a year in a high security prison in Silivri without indictment, first in solitary confinement. Yücel said later, in those months he had been abused. His arrest and detention have burdened the German-Turkish relations strong. In August 2017, the then Minister of foreign Affairs and energy, Sigmar Gabriel, Yücel and others in Turkey, the Germans imprisoned would be held in Turkey, as “hostages”. Yücel was born on 16. February 2018 and travelled immediately to Germany, after the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder had spoken with Turkish President Erdogan.

Yücel pursued as a correspondent for the daily newspaper “The world” the developments in Turkey are critical. To the accusation of him were made, for example, an Interview with the PKK leader Cemil Bayik, and on Erdogan gemünzter article with the Headline “The Putschist” in the Prosecutor, first as a Propaganda for the Gulen movement had a rating.The leadership in Ankara is what makes the Gülen movement for the failed coup attempt.