the Federal government and the Länder want to be able to react more targeted to local outbreaks of Corona pandemic. Entry and exit block it should be able to give, if the number of infections continues to rise or there is no certainty that the chains of Infection are already interrupted, in a decision of the Chancellery chief Helge Braun, and the state Chancellery, the heads of the countries. “These measures should be targeted and not need to refer to the entire County or the entire city.”

The paper, according to the countries ‘ Preparedness to meet, that travellers from regions with increased Corona infections will only be housed in an accommodation facility, respectively, without quarantine measure in a country may enter, if you can prove with a medical certificate that they are not infected.

With views of the tourist season, it was determined that the rear stay returnees from abroad, who have resided within the past 14 days in a high-risk area, committed for 14 days in home quarantine.

The Minister of health of the Federation and the länder to develop the decision, in the short term, the national testing strategy in terms of dealing with travel and returnees as well as more. You should develop criteria for whether, when and to what extent Tests for these are appropriate. “This may possibly be the case, if a region has a significantly higher number of active cases as Germany in the average, although the criteria for risk area, and particularly the affected area have not yet been reached,” it says in the paper.

Minister of health: exit block better than a ban on travel

The Minister of health of the Federal government and the countries had already agreed on Thursday morning on a common line: Local exit block could “in relation to the further entry, go lock a suitable means to represent it in a paper to the conference of health Ministers on Thursday, the exists of the F. A., for example.

Important warden health Ministers with a view to possible exit lock, especially an internal differentiation within the counties and individual cities. Also, the higher administrative court of Münster had parked in his decision to Lockdown in the district of Gütersloh just over a week ago to the fact that restrictive measures should not be easy to obtain for an entire County when the infection happened is not the same everywhere and highly be.