Who makes clear that, in some countries, in three weeks the school starts, can only hope that schools begin no later than this now, the next school year to prepare and update their hygiene plans. Guidance adopted by the Ministers of education and culture.

regular testing for teachers and students, unfortunately, is not the speech, because the countries cannot be obliged to do so. Some have developed test strategies, but not all. Teachers ‘ associations are calling for weekly Tests for students and teachers on a voluntary Basis, which would cost between 26 and 30 billion euros.

, and That the bandages just now, since the staff ceiling in many countries due to risk of teachers already thin, with the request for a load reduction of a minimum of one hour per week, will make the image of the teacher safe huge feed. Digital office hours for parents and students should also be with the current Load.

your request for a legal, secure and data protection compliant communication via the platform of the school, however, is entitled. Teachers are not able to move in the right free space, if you may need to return to the digital lessons. The teachers want to make any compromises on the learning requirements, is correct, whether that will succeed depends mainly on their use.