In the dispute over the taxation of digital companies Trump the government increased the pressure on France. The office of the U.S. trade Robert Lighthizer officer announced on Friday new punitive tariffs of 25 percent on a range of products from France, including cosmetics and handbags, with a commercial restaurant volume of $ 1.3 billion (1,13 billion Euro).

at the same time the application of customs duties, it was but for a period of 180 days, suspended. “The trade representative will continue to monitor the impact of the action and the progress of the talks with France and can make the appropriate Changes,” it said in a statement.

The United States had threatened to duties in France repeated with a Criminal, after Paris had introduced in 2019, a national digital tax, which mainly applies to large American corporations such as Google or Facebook.


the end of January, then had agreed the two countries on a framework agreement: Paris, agreed advance payments due on the national digital tax until the end of the year to suspend the United States waived sanctions.

in a number of European countries planned digital control technology to take on companies like Amazon or Google to target, pay with your business model, in the view of critics, to little taxes in each of the markets. France introduced the tax in alone for Internet companies, because no international agreement was in sight.