As a special investigator for the threatening letters from the right has called Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) on Friday Hanspeter Mener, the chief of the detective Aldi Directorate in the Frankfurt police headquarters,. He will directly report to the national Commissioner of police, said the Union politicians. The personnel decision he had announced, as reported on Thursday, and with a sharp critique of the previous work of the land office of criminal investigation connected to.

Ewald Hetrodt

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z.

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Him, he accuses to have him not immediately agreed, as in February of a police computer were retrieved personal data to the group leader of the Left in the Parliament, Janine Wissler,. She was threatened a few days later with the death. The same process was almost two years ago, in the 1. Area in Frankfurt played. Subsequently, the attorney-at-law Seda Basay received-Yildiz threatening letters by Fax.

In both cases, the Letter “NSU 2.0” were signed. Against this Background, the LKA should have a greater sensitivity to the day, says Beuth. “The special investigator will analyze the previous investigations of the e-mails very carefully and with a new look, new investigative approaches introduction.” Mener moved to stations in the police headquarters at Offenbach and Frankfurt in the year 2007 to the state office of criminal investigation. There, he initially worked for the state security, and later for the fight against serious and organised crime responsible.

on right-wing extremism is a Problem in the Hessian police

the establishment of The special investigator could only be the first step to combat extreme right-wing machinations in the ranks of the Hessian police, said Günter Rudolph, the Parliamentary Manager of the SPD parliamentary group. “The Minister of the interior, he was yesterday a coup succeeded, so he’s wrong.” The establishment of the special investigator was rather the admission that there is in Parts of the Hessian police, a far-right Problem. Like Rudolph, so also the Deputy Jörg-Uwe Hahn (FDP), stressed that not only Beuth, but also the justice Minister Eva Kühne-standing Hörmann in the duty to provide for education. The investigations of the Prosecutor of the case in the Frankfurt police station had now led to a period of 21 months to no relevant knowledge, so tap.

“It is time that the Minister of justice takes care of according to the theme.” The left party pointed out that improper data processing in the police had now been made more difficult, and will be punished. If Beuth didn’t know about the new computer, the query will still run until Wednesday, nothing, applies only to a: Either he didn’t own, authorities in the handle, or he’s not telling the truth. Both was intolerable, so the Deputy Hermann Schaus.

Eva Goldbach, the domestic policy spokesperson of the Greens, called the appointment of the special investigator is an important first step. The structures in the Hessian state office of criminal investigation urgently need to be checked, so that omissions and lack of communication between the authorities may in the future happen again.