First the form, then the vacation In Spain want to know the authorities very carefully: no one should virtually land undetected on the island of Mallorca. Where is the host on which seat to what plane he is hovering, in which hotel room he resides, how he’s feeling health-wise? Tourists have to complete the questions online at the end, you should receive a Code on your Smartphone. The is scanned at the destination airport and visa: Without Code is as important as elsewhere, no entry. Greece also relies on such a method. The Balearic Islands and may even lead to a far-reaching mask duty. According to the Corona-stop holiday is Forced to 2020 different.

Timo Kotowski

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

Some tourists complaining that the new registration software hooks in the start-up phase also changes. For the data processor, it should be a relief that the number of the Incoming far behind the previous year’s figures remains. The German travel Association (DRV) reported that tour operators had reached at the beginning of the month with only a quarter of the summer booking volume from the previous year – a historically low value.

holiday traffic jams on the German motorways will remain

at The same time, in 2019, the data were according to the market research, 81 percent of the summer volume of 2018 accounted for – and this was in the long-term comparison is a poor value. The latest Figures show that Last Minute business will not be able to save the season 2020. The DRV is forecasting a decline of up to 20 billion euros in 2019, the tour operators had implemented 35.4 billion euros. About half of the business fell to the virus, consequences for the victims.

A different picture emerges in Germany. The ADAC does not come around its traditional congestion forecast for highways: The roads around Hamburg, the coast must pass through vacationers, are – as every year – on the map deep red colored. You assume that “more German car, holiday in one’s own country” make. “Day trips and spontaneous short trips are likely to increase, because many holidaymakers to stay at home,” it says.

the North sea and the Baltic sea you can see the mixed feelings. Many Hotels are fully booked. This helps to relieve the financial burden of Empty in the spring. Finally were counted, according to the Federal statistical office, Germany in may of nearly 75 percent fewer overnight Stays than in the previous year. Thus, the water in the distance, not keep fails, have places in the Bay of lübeck switched Bay Online beach traffic light. To many visitors of the pursuit of the Sand, it will jump to Red. In Scharbeutz were reverse asked on each of the days guests. If the weather prevents the exposure to the sun, complain about the Locals in Sankt Peter-Ording and Westerland on Sylt Besucherpulks in the small town centres.

tribulation in city hotels

but Germany is the goal of the hopes of the travel industry. The tour operator FTI – otherwise, strong business with for the time being, due to travel warnings not possible in Turkey and Egypt holidays – promoting the middle objectives. “A lot of guests will discover 2020, the own home or the near abroad, and are amazed at what they have to offer, the mountain or the lake region,” says Martin Katz, the FTI is responsible for individual travel-destinations – so all the goals will not be reached by plane, but by car. He admits that many of the units were occupied for weeks. “This does not reflect the overall situation in the North sea and the Baltic sea coast.” There beds were still free. Economically, the interest in the near objectives anyway is a ray of light. “The length of stay was significantly longer than in previous years.”