Nine of the 16 Federal States of Germany have summer holidays, and people travel again after months of Corona limitations actually. A diagnosis that the tourism industry have handled the Corona-crisis, however, is premature. Only for parts of the travel world, the Outlook became more cheerful.

Who operates a Hotel on the German Baltic coast or apartments rented, can the spring delle flattening at least. Entrepreneur, specializing in long-distance travel to other continents, on the other hand, until today – and probably longer – no business. In between, the supplier of Mediterranean sea-travel, the at least some goals on the back burner tarnishing.

The pandemic effect, and the saving pressure to the losses of the previous months in all areas great. The customers also get, unfortunately, to feel. Less vacationers require less flights and Hotels. Flight time changes are piling up again, some of the customers must be canceled, because it can be offered in spite of the travel warning is no Alternative.

The halt was for the travel provider is difficult, the start-up phase, it is equally for companies and also for the holidaymakers.