Because of the threat of expulsion of foreign students from the United States, German students ask the Federal government for assistance. “We count on their backing,” says one of the nearly 100 current, future and former German students in the United States under the letter addressed to the Federal foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, the Ambassador Emily Haber in Washington and to members of the foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, signed.

The American immigration authority, ICE was notified last Monday, foreign students at American universities, the offer in the winter semester because of the Corona pandemic in exclusively Online courses, would have to leave the country, or to institutions of higher education with personal Lectures change. Foreigners, who wanted to start their studies at a from autumn to exclusively online teaching institution, will not be permitted entry.

1.1 million foreigners studying in America

Among other things, the Elite Harvard University has announced, in the winter semester only Online Lectures are to be held. The University works with the Elite of the University WITH legal action against the planned regulation of the government of President Donald Trump. According to the Institute of International education (IIE) studied 2018/2019 nearly 1.1 million foreigners in the United States, including almost 9200 German.

In the Letter, the Federal government will be asked, “in the sense of the European and international student body in the United States, the recent visa regulations of the government to actively oppose”. Many students feared not stays only to your own study. “We see a serious attack on the international academic exchange and knowledge transfer, as well as the freedom of teaching and research.”