at the Time, as it is still “third world,” said, in the mists of time so, even before the fall of the Berlin wall, the end of old thinking and two to three decades, rapid globalization, were novels from West Africa or poems from Southeast Asia for most of the German-speaking readers, unknown continents, white spots on the literary map. It did not exist, at least in Translation. The members of an Association from Frankfurt, who knew better than the average reader, decided to change that.

Florian Balke

culture editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Forty years of the decision is. Since then, the company has implemented for the promotion of literature from Africa, Asia and Latin America, to him in the fact. In many deeds. More than 800 titles, it has promoted since its Foundation, mainly financed with funds of the Federal foreign office in Berlin, to this little corner of culture and development policy in his Portfolio until today. For many years there were for the Swiss publishers the money in the Foundation, Pro Helvetia, today it comes from the südkultur Fund of the Swiss Federal government. The result: 800 books, many of which without the help from Frankfurt probably would never have appeared.

“We are kind of everything”

And if books from the South of the world appear today, many major publishers, is also in the decades-long build-up of Litprom. The company announced today. Is housed in the house of the book at the Braubach Strasse in the Frankfurt city centre, for rent at the Börsenverein of the German book trade and the Frankfurt book fair, whose Director is traditionally the chair of the Association takes over.

From there you will be organized every year in January, the “literature days”, the authors of a selected area of the world gather in the Frankfurt house of literature, and published four times a year the “best list world receiver”, to a Jury of literary critics and book recommendations. “We are neither tour operators nor the publisher nor the agent,” says Anita Djafari, Litprom-the managing Director until the beginning of her retirement at the end of October: “We are kind of everything. We are unique.“

Politically correct speech from the global South

it Would be the Corona pandemic, it would be celebrated in the autumn with an exhibition. So it remains a Africa Symposium on Monday of book fair week, with many Involved in the former house of literature at the Bockenheimer landstraße gather together or be connected. The main lecture is to keep the Kenyan author Ngugi wa Thiong’o, for a long time Nobel prize nominee. If everything goes particularly well, can be handed over during the book show, the liberatur prize in person, the Litprom since 2013 to authors from Asia, Latin America and Africa awards. In the eighties, of an Initiative at the Christ Church in the Westend district of Frankfurt donated the award to until Tuesday evening to vote. Whether the winner comes from a country in the autumn, no travel restriction, so that you can receive the award in Frankfurt, a decision is probably only a short time before.

it is Clear, however, that it should go to the Symposium 40 years of literary mediation, the differences between then, as they took the global South outside of the eye-to-eye covered club, usually just as a big bow of vulnerable developing countries, and today, as an Argentine comic artist indicates in the case of a Litprom-event to the fact, what are the differences between the individual countries themselves einebnet the politically correct speech from the global South.