you don’t have much time to the Rhein-Main-understand area as a Region, you can focus on the Main-Taunus-Kreis. Because it looks like under a burning glass, which makes the entire Region so strong. The MTK, as it is called in brief, is the most compact circle far and wide, in terms of area, even the smallest of the Republic. But he offers an amazing diversity. Mountains and river, office of the city and tool-making industry, water and wine-growing, fruit-growing, and data centers, shopping Paradise, and soon to be top-of-tennis – there really is almost everything.

Inga Janović

business editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

This Mix makes the district with its with 223,000 inhabitants, extends along the highway 66 between Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, and the airport is adjacent, an attractive residential and business location – and he makes him wealthy. The purchasing power of the residents is 30 percentage points above the national average. This is in the Rhine-Main Region is not very unusual, but belongs to the country far into the tip box. Just like the offers to have the money to spend. The retail industry has a strong foothold in several municipalities in the district.

The especially for with 8300 inhabitants of the small municipality of Sulzbach, of which the majority in the Region knows only the Main-Taunus-Zentrum. Of tourists even read, because the shopping centre had a 1964 of the first of its kind in Germany. A shopping Mall on the green Meadow, as it was only in the United States. More than 36000 people in the Main-Taunus-Zentrum pulled in front of the Corona-closing in a daily average of several hundred million Euro were implemented in a year. Now the dealers are fighting to get back to the usual success numbers. The announcement that in the future with Karstadt in the center is close, makes it not easier.

Strong retail

Good, some look a little jealous in the Deutsche Bank district of Wallau, where the customers waiting in front of the Ikea store in long queues. The branch of the Swedish furniture giant, is another Paradise for Spending and also it is, so to speak, of the historical and current value: she was one of the first that arose in the seventies in the Federal Republic of Germany, and it is also the German headquarters of the group. The County town of Hofheim has been a high trade tax revenue and many jobs. In Hofheim 17 percent of all workers in the retail trade are according to the latest retail report from the competent chamber of Commerce and industry Frankfurt. In Sulzbach in every four workers earned this statistic is that even his money in this sector of the economy.

Around 800 million euros, not to put the retailer in the entire County in the year 2017, more recent Figures for the national office for statistics has. But comparison values for the Region show that only the high Taunus district in Frankfurt’s perimeter on such sums. Whether you be achieved after the Corona-the shock, or the world of retail will not be able to tell no one.

The more the speaker in the circle city stresses that Hofheims economy have many strong pillars. Ikea is so far the best, but not the only taxpayers. Companies such as the disposal company, Meinhardt and the machine manufacturers, Polar Mohr, each with 500 workers is a major employer in the 39800 inhabitants of the city count.

Smart extended controls

That it is a lot of need to be Deposit in the funds, this is the motto that is trying to operate in the majority of municipalities in the circle. In a regional comparison, they charge a rather low business taxes and is one of the few commonalities that all of the twelve is true. With the recipe, the city of outdo large centralized in this way, in settlements, is, as we know Eschborn particularly well. 35000 jobs in the city, alone 20000 in the office of the city of Eschborn-Süd. It has only 23000 inhabitants.