In the port of Porto Empedocle on Sicily most of the 180 migrants have left the private rescue vessel “Ocean Viking”, to switch to an Italian quarantine ferry. The news Agency Ansa reported. The disembarkation of 123 people, in the case where negative Corona Tests, was carried out late on Monday night. The other 57 migrants should follow after the Arrival of their test results.

The organization SOS Méditerranée, as the operator of the “Ocean Viking” tweeted photos of the Rescued at sea, lost on Land. The government in Rome had given at the weekend, after long Hesitation, your permission to use the quarantine ship, “Moby Zaza”. The crew of the “Ocean Viking” had the 180 people on may 25. and 30. June from the Mediterranean sea to be saved.

Italy and Malta, had declared in the Corona-pandemic non-secure ports. Nevertheless, migrants from Libya and Tunisia in the direction of Europe, to break. Rome and Valletta took the last, although again the people of the ships, but the countries are reluctant with the allocation of ports, often for a long time. You are asking other EU States to regularly Predict the distribution of the people.