Twice within ten days of the Minister Roland woeller was Saxony’s interior to the Public to become independent because in his area of competence of a sudden Affairs, and to tear him into the abyss threatened. Twice, the CDU politician pointed any blame, however, with very different strategies. As a few weeks ago came out that police officers confiscated in Leipzig, allegedly 1000 or disposed of, re-found, and to the exploitation of shared bicycles, mostly among colleagues bargain prices to have said woeller at a specially convened press conference virtually nothing to the matter, and referred instead to the judiciary.

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Stefan Locke

a correspondent for Saxony and Thuringia, based in Dresden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The is now on the train and had to clear up “the matter fully and examine”. The police, he took in the protection. By the misconduct of “a few” had been brought to the whole apparatus into disrepute. Here, the alleged fraud had been discovered already, eleven months before, and the Minister at least since six months in the picture – but the enlightenment was not until the journey, as the matter came to the Public. Meanwhile, the Prosecutor’s office is investigating nearly 70 officials, among others, due to bribery, corruption and advantage-taking in the office.

is Quite different to the Minister, as in the last week a conflict of the Ministry with the subordinate state office for the protection of the Constitution became public, and just on the day on which the previous protection of the Constitution boss, Gordian Meyer-replaced Plath, and a man by the name of Dirk-Martin Christian was replaced responded. The change was long planned, but now special attention, because it was known that Meyer-Plath information about AfD’s Deputy had to collect that from his successor, Christian-led legal supervision for that, but saw no legal basis and asked to delete the data.