The Brazilian radio station Band reported on Monday evening that the first Test of President Jair Bolsonaro on the Coronavirus had shown a positive result. The message has been neither confirmed nor denied. Previously, the Brazilian media had reported that Bolsonaro taking a Test, because he’s complaining of a fever. The result of the examination in the military hospital in the capital, Brasília, is expected on Tuesday. A Test of the lungs of Bolsonaro showed no special features.

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Bolsonaro even confirmed the return to the presidential Palace that he was feeling fine. Nevertheless, all appointments have been canceled Bolsonaros for the Rest of the week. More government employees will undergo Tests. Only on Saturday Bolsonaro had had a meeting with the American Ambassador, as well as several Ministers for lunch. This Bolsonaro should have – as on numerous other occasions, too – no mask is worn. In the past few days, Bolsonaro put several vetoes against passages of the Congress approved a law to govern the country-wide mask duty.

two health Ministers, worn out

Bolsonaro had attracted in the past weeks due to his numerous appearances without a face mask, and some Expressions of negative attention. Designated for the beginning of the pandemic, the Coronavirus as a “Grippchen”. Later, he would die eventually said. At the same time he made with the governors of the country, the Federal States, strict isolation measures imposed. Two health Ministers have left the government during the pandemic already. Bolsonaro had in the past few months, is already three Times on the Coronavirus test. In may, he was forced by the Supreme court, the results of these Tests disclose. They turned out to be negative.