The hand bike with a serious accident, former formula 1 driver Alessandro Zanardi has been in surgery for the third Time because of his head injuries. The hospital announced in Siena in Tuscany on Monday. There the 53-year-old Italian was after his accident of 19. June brought. The OP had taken some five hours. Zanardi’s condition remains “under neurological points of view” seriously, the forecasts are behavioral.

After the second surgery the end of June, the doctor had stressed that Zanardi’s condition of the day measured to day. The former formula 1 Pilot had lost in Tuscany, the control of the hand bike. Zanardi had collided vehicles with a load. He suffered severe head and facial injuries. He had lost in 2001 in a race of a other Motorsport series at the lausitzring in an accident both of his legs.

Zanardi fought his way back into competitive sports. He also denied racing in the DTM and won four times Gold at the Paralympics. Half of Italy presses since the accident, the thumb for the “fighters” Zanardi. The Pope sent good wishes.