As an “attack on all of us,” considered to be the left party, against their party Chairman in the Hessian state Parliament, Janine Wissler, targeted e-mails. “We are shocked and shaken”, – stated in a communication from the Chairman of Petra Heimer and Jan Schalauske. Do not let yourself of right-wing criminals to intimidate and will strengthen the fight “against the right and for a determined anti-fascism.”

confirmed The left party, that Wissler had received in February, two electronic Drohschreiben, signed with the initials “NSU 2.0” below. It is the acronym for the extreme right-wing terrorist group “national socialist underground”, killed in Germany, ten people. The “Frankfurter Rundschau” reported that the two emails contained insults and right-wing implications are peppered. So the sender had used the Nazi greeting “Heil Hitler” and “Sieg Heil”. The politician, he threatens that the police will not protect you to the “X-day”. This is an allusion to a point at the extreme Right the Power want to take.

From investigators circles was heard on Saturday, you check currently connections, according to the author the same Person could act, which was threatened two years ago, the Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz. According to information this newspaper also these Mails are not easy to trace them back; similar to the faxes, which were then sent to the lawyer. As in the case of Basay-Yildiz, has been called in the threats against Janine Wissler Details that a private person cannot be reached without access to official computer systems. In addition, the author is also suspected to have several times to the murder of Walter Lübcke commented. Most recently, in connection with the criminal process against the alleged perpetrators, Stephan E., has recently begun.