Have you ever been annoyed that the Smartphone consumes a lot of energy, and the battery is quickly empty? A visit to the Technoseums in Mannheim puts this Emotion in the right ratio. Because in the new area of “energy, the duration of the experience” exhibition on April 17. June opened, it is also about the Smartphone. And its energy consumption during its use time is quite minimal compared to the amount of energy spent for its production, explains curator Daniel Roman: I considered that the energy balance over the entire life-cycle, then two hundredths of a second from doing the Shop at the socket just.

How much power is needed to charge the battery of a cell phone, can Museum guests a hands-on station to the try it yourself: to produce 5 watts, it is sufficient to turn strong of a hand crank, which is coupled with a Dynamo. No Chance, however, to a Cup of hot tea to phone call has. Because in a second Station is to be brought in water by Stepping on a Bicycle Ergometer to a boil. Who knows the power consumption of the domestic water boiler (with us it is 1850 to 2200 watts), has no idea that the Pedaling power generated is not sufficient. The realization of the crank and kicking the Museum visitor: Who wants to achieve the savings targets of the energy transition as efficiently as possible, which should aim above all at the production of heat.

in addition to such moments of wonder, the extension of the permanent exhibition on level F of the Technoseums convinced by the arrangement of the exhibits in the technology and industrial history of modern energy technology since the industrial Revolution. That’s enough up to the hydrogen economy, which in these days of enormous political back gets wind of this. “That’s not really new,” says curator Romans. In the Museum, the relevant ideas, including the conversion of solar power into hydrogen on a large technical scale are documented from 40 years ago. The Museum itself is a decade younger, it was opened in 1990 as the state Museum for work and technology of the province and the city of Mannheim.