North Korea has rejected a resumption of direct talks with America. The government in Pyongyang had “no need to, said the United States face-to-face to sit opposite”, Vice-foreign Minister Choe Son Hui on Saturday according to state news Agency KCNA. “The USA are wrong if you think that something such as negotiations with us to work.”

A summit meeting between President Donald Trump, and North Korea’s ruler, Kim Jong-un had failed in February of last year. Since then, the negotiations, the American government with Pyongyang over dismantling North Korea’s nuclear program are on hold. In addition, the tensions between North and South Korea intensified again.

The former security adviser to the government in Washington, John Bolton, had said according to media reports, on Thursday, Trump would seek another Meeting with Kim if it would increase his chances of re-election in November. President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, had called on Tuesday to a further Meeting of Trump and Kim: The South won “best efforts” to enable this.

a tool for the election campaign in America?

“dreamer” had raised hopes for an “October Surprise”, said Vice-foreign Minister Choe now, according to KCNA. However, Washington regarded the dialogue with their country as nothing more than an Instrument to overcome the political crisis.

on Friday, South Korea had appointed a declared supporter of the inter-Korean Dialogue to the new head of the secret service. The step was widely interpreted as a sign of the determination Moons, despite the opposition of the North to its cooperative policy.

After North Korea had gone against the southern neighbor in June, among other things, with the blowing up of the liaison offices of the two countries in the border city of Kaesong on a collision course, there have been recent signals of de-escalation. So North Korea built approximately according to the South Korean news Agency Yonhap for the propaganda messages of speakers to be used in the border area.