That was fast. Two weeks after the presentation of the program “Aperture 2025” for more diversity in Hollywood the American film Academy invited now a broad group of potential new entrants. Of the 819 people chosen to decide with the to date approximately 8500 members of the Academy about the direction of the film industry in the United States and the Oscars as their most important award, not 45 percent female, 36 percent white and 49 percent non-American.

in addition to veterans such as Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford and Tom Hanks, the Asian-born rapper/actress/producer Awkwafina, “Desperate Housewife” Eva Longoria and singer Zendaya to give in the future, among other the sound. Also, Cynthia Erivo, for her role in the biography “Harriet” at the Oscars in 2020 as the only Black for an acting category to be nominated, with mixes in the future – if you accept how the rest of the 818 filmmakers the invitation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Ampas).

The attempt of the white, male, and in the years to come to set up Academy new, goes back to the year 2015. Under the Hashtag #OscarsSoWhite film-makers demanded an end and Fans at the time, to deal with more “People of Color”. For the acting categories at the time, only light-skinned were nominated. Since then, it has been done, at least in the case of the composition of the film Academy a lot. Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the African-American predecessor of the Ampas-chef David Rubin, said every year hundreds of invitations to women, Blacks and Non-Americans.

in the Meantime, each of the fourth Academy-member female

In the year 2015 is only every fourth member of the Academy was female, in the meantime, every third. The number of film professionals from “underrepresented ethnic/racial communities” has doubled in recent years and now stands at nearly 20 percent. Of the target, the composition of the Academy is the Mix of the population to adapt, is still far away, complained film scholar Jason Squire.

As the nomination of the British Erivo as the only Black for the 92. The Academy awards showed, it’s not done with Numbers. Also, the success of the South Korean society satire “Parasite”, which is repeated at the beginning of February as the first non-English language Film Oscar as “Best Picture”, was not enough for the Ampas diversity efforts.