A vision of horror for the police who made the discovery. In Pennsylvania, Shane and Crystal Robertson have been charged after their seven children, ages 4 to 16, were found at their home. Accused, in particular, of endangering the well-being of children, the parents let them live in conditions deemed deplorable, reports WPVI, relayed by Le Parisien. The investigation began on April 23, after a Bucks County resident reported a child going to an abandoned trailer. The 12-year-old is then questioned by the police and explains that she had come to get a blanket to keep her rats warm, because her family no longer has much money. .

The police returned to the caravan a little later, accompanied by an investigator. This time they found four children hidden in a back bedroom, but also fecal matter in several places in the house and several animals, including a dozen rats in cages, dogs and snakes.

The investigators also realized that none of the children had been to school and therefore had severe deficiencies in basic knowledge. Some of them did not know their birthday.