School incidents with weapons seemed far removed from European society and more typical of the United States. After the latest incidents in Serbia, now it is in Italy where a 16-year-old student has wounded a teacher with a knife in her arm and has ordered his classmates to leave the classroom holding a toy gun, in an Abbiategrasso high school ( north of Italy).

The episode occurred around 08:20 local time (06:20 GMT), a few minutes after the students entered the classroom, and the student threatened the teacher and injured her arm before she could escape and hide in a bathroom. local media reported.

The minor was going to suspend Italian and History, the subjects of the attacked teacher.

The woman was taken to the hospital due to the wound to her arm and a blow to the head, but her condition is not serious.

While the young man, who was also taken to the hospital, did not resist the arrival of the Carabineros (militarized police) who arrested him and who are conducting investigations to reconstruct the dynamics of what happened.

The Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara, announced shortly after learning of the event that he will visit the Abbiategrasso institute.

“After the covid experience, episodes of bullying are multiplying, precisely because the interpersonal relationship that is essential in educational development has been interrupted,” he explained.

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