The municipal and regional elections of 28M have resulted in a change in the Spanish political chessboard in which the PP regains power with a blow of its claw and the PSOE suffers a real debacle, like the rest of the left. Faced with the new panorama that is emerging after the scrutiny and the results of May 28, Pedro Sánchez has reacted, taking a step forward with the call for general elections this summer, that is, a few months ahead of schedule.

The celebration of democracy leaves the socialists without the scepters of the Valencian Community, Extremadura, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, La Rioja and the Canary Islands (where they will not govern), a tremendous loss of territories and without counting the defeats in the municipalities. To prevent the bleeding of votes from being greater in the general elections, Sánchez has decided to liquidate the Government, dissolve the Cortes Generales and announce an electoral advance.

Pedro Sánchez was always willing to exhaust the XIV Legislature at the head of the first left-wing coalition government of democracy. Inaugurated president on January 7, 2020, the maximum date to hold the elections was December 10, 2023, that is, four years and one month after the previous elections (November 10, 2019). However, the head of the Executive has chosen to make use of his power of early dissolution as a consequence of 28M.

“Although yesterday’s votes [for 28M] had a municipal and regional scope,” Sánchez acknowledged in his appearance that “the meaning of the vote conveys a message that goes further,” assuming “the results in the first person.”

“Spain is about to overcome a stage of crisis derived from the covid-19 emergency and also from the war in Ukraine, we are facing a clear path of growth, job creation, and social cohesion and, at this point in the legislature, the Government has carried out the major reforms committed to in the investiture speech, in the Government program and in the agreement with the European Commission”, the president of the government brandished about his achievements and adversities.

“There is only one infallible method to resolve these doubts, that method is democracy and, therefore, I believe that the best thing is for the Spanish to speak and pronounce themselves without delay to define the country’s political course,” he concluded.

The call for the elections will be published on Tuesday, May 30 in the BOE, so that the general elections will be on Sunday, July 23, 2023, according to the deadlines established by law. This is an unprecedented calendar in the history of modern democracy, since never before have general elections been held in the middle of summer, neither in July nor in August. To date, the most summery votes were held in 1986 (June 22) and in 2016 (June 26).

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