After a certain mystery about the state of health of José Manuel Parada, the reason why he underwent surgery a few weeks ago has come to light. It was the presenter himself who set off all the alarms when, on April 28, he published a post from the hospital. “Calm down, everyone. The worst is over. They operated on me. Everything went well and now I just have to rest and recover as soon as possible to thank you all for so much love. I’ll call you. But now my phone still has no sound” he explained in a selfie.

At that time, José Manuel Parada did not reveal the reason for which he had been operated on, but in conversation with La Razón he has told what happened to him. “They gave me the discharge and I am and I am trying to recover completely. A few days ago they removed the stitches and I think that soon I will be able to lead a normal life. The worst is over,” he explained, adding that he went to “operate I had two hernias, and they discovered that I had three. It was all very complicated, because they had to put a thirty-centimeter mesh on my belly.”

“I was holding out, until I suffered unbearable discomfort. It’s just that I couldn’t even stand up. And it was forced to have surgery for all hernias. There was no other solution”, he assured about this ailment that he did not want to give, at first, to know. Fortunately, everything went well and the doctors in charge of his case have assured that he cannot lead a normal life at all, but “I cannot make great efforts, nor a bad gesture, because it can harm me too much.”

This Sunday, May 28, José Manuel Parada, has reappeared in Fiesta, a space hosted by Emma García. This is his first visit to the set after this health ailment. “It’s over, I’m great now I can say it, before I kept it a bit quiet (…) But it is true, I have not exaggerated anything when before going to the hospital I said goodbye to life because I did not know what could happen You will understand because there will be more people who experience the same thing as me and that is that they discovered that I had an intolerance to anesthesia and then every time I have to go to an operating room I have to think about it and a lot because You don’t know what can happen”, he began counting.

The presenter wanted to know what went through her head when she was aware that she had to undergo surgery again. “I said goodbye to all my things, to a lot of people who were very close to me, I didn’t want to scare them and I was being strong,” Parada confessed. At the same time, he recalled a moment when he was hospitalized for pneumonia and He has revealed that he came to say goodbye because he thought he was going to die. “I said goodbye to life, I called people with whom I even had pending quarrels (…) I could not speak, but I could write, I had said that I did not want to talk, but if I’m honest, one of the first people I wrote to was Chelo”, he said. To end his testimony, the presenter explained that he regretted not having lived more: “‘I felt sorry for not having lived life to the fullest, for many years I dedicated myself to work above all else”.

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