Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki has strongly warned against a Failure of the electoral reform, with the aid of the Bundestag smaller again should be. “It would be a fatal Signal for our democracy and Parliament, if an agreement were to succeed – what it looks like, unfortunately, at the moment,” said Kubicki, the German press Agency in Berlin. “Because the lens was not enough time available to find a constitutional solution.”

The groups in the Bundestag had not been agreed in the last Parliament on electoral reform. The consequence was that the Parliament was the election in 2017, with 709 members has never been greater. For the Federal election of 2021, a further Increase is feared to potentially more than 800 members of Parliament, if the electoral law is not amended previously.

A concrete draft law, there is, as yet, only by the FDP, Greens and Left. Because of the reduction in the number of constituencies, in particular, the CSU rejected that proposal categorically. The three opposition factions insist, however, that the Bundestag advises on their common draft next Friday, the last day before the summer break, finally, and we have to vote.